Anyway, Luc has been kind enough to relent to my endless bugging, begging and pleading and has agreed to welcome him into our family. :) I can't wait to start obedience training him (in May) and now I have a companion to keep all the bad people away.
So continues my week of planning, e-mailing, shopping, arranging, half-angry trips to the store to lug oversized 100lb boxes of fencing home in my Cavalier, cancellations of many 'engagements' with friends (sorry guys!!) and general disarray which has caused me to be excited one minute and burst into tears the next. One thing I know for sure is that anything that takes this much work to prepare must definitely be worth something in the end, I'd almost feel 'weird' if it was as easy as 'order dog - dog comes home', however it has had its challenges over the last few days that have definitely tested my will to make this work. (And so far, I believe I'm doing alright - despite those people who have offered their two-cents worth of crappy unwarranted comments and negativity that have only served to reinforce the idea that people suck and dogs are wonderful). So starts my journey toward becoming a hermit dog-lady. :)
He's cute but I want to see more pictures!
Ahh! Everything is so crazy right now, I haven't even had time to take pictures. We rushed into this a little fast, and he's a big dog in a little tiny apartment. So I think he'll be staying at my Mom's until we can figure out a better arrangement for him. :( It's been the toughest week of my life.
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