Ah! So I missed blue Monday - which was two days ago, apparently... That was the day that I had promised myself to buy a new plant to light up snow-bound life, and to kick off the start of a new growing season (at least, inside, anyway)... I think I'll have to go buy one today! I did acquire a new plant on Sunday, a pointsettia, but it's still recovering and I'm praying it's going to 'make it'... I had noticed it sitting by itself in the living room at my grandparents' farm. Seeing as they are now residing at their 'apartment' in Kemptville, I figured perhaps it would be a good opportunity to help out the plant, and add some more greenery to my dining room. :) However, silly me, I left it in the car for the afternoon, wrapped in a blanket, while I visited my grandparents. By the time I got home, it was withered and in quite the state of 'shock'... One interesting thing I noticed was that the withered leaves were warm to the touch - so much that it felt like it had a fever! Anyway, it's now hanging from the ceiling, infront of our long window in the dining room, and I'm hoping a little TLC will revive it to its previous 'perky' state.
So the next big day coming up is Imbolc (more on that later of course!), or Groundhog Day. It marks the end of the dark quiet months, and the time when new life begins slowly to stir underground. With the weather the way it has been, I've even heard birds in the morning lately that don't normally sing like that in the winter - makes me wonder if perhaps they've migrated a little earlier this year or something... I can already feel life picking up the pace again, as we head (at lightning speed) into February. I have to get myself organized so I can take things 'in stride' this year, instead of letting it all pile up and then come crashing down on my head in regular intervals like last year. :) Work is picking up, with several potential contracts coming down the pipes for me (in addition to my full-time one here). I'm busy preparing myself to give a presentation to the Director General of the House of Commons on Tuesday afternoon. Should be fun, I'm looking forward to it. It's strange, but I feel quite at home talking about the system, and what it can do for them, but ask me to talk about the weather, or myself, or anything 'theoretical' and I get flustered as hell... Anyway, where some bigger things are looming (our trip to Jamaica, our wedding in September, residing the apartments in the Spring), which all require a great deal of planning and money, incidentally, I'm slowly catching on to the art of not sweating the smaller stuff. I've decided that our own house does NOT need a remodeling makeover, which has alleviated a lot of pressure for me. I can now be content to buy key items for each room to make it 'complete' the way it IS, instead of always fretting about the fact I want to buy an X but can't until we take down this wall, and put up that shelf, and paint it this colour, and rip up the floors, etc. To heck with all that, I say! We're young, there's two of us in a decent sized house, the best thing to do is treat it like we did our apartment, accepting it for what it is now, and making it special in smaller ways. Just deciding that makes me feel so much better. :)
I also tried Waverly's suggestion of dividing up the year into 'themes' so as to know when to focus my energy on different activities, instead of carrying the whole load of ideas in my head, all the time, and then never feeling comfortable to devote time to any one of them for fear of neglecting the next. However, my attempts at dividing the year became difficult when I started trying to figure out what exactly I wanted to do this year. Things soon became cluttered and crowded when I thought of work, social life, exercise, gardening, crafty stuff, the house, the apartments, my relationship, traveling, etc. And the crazy part is, realistically, I won't do half of what I thought up anyway! But I know that I tend to think of March as being the time when I start to come out of my hibernation and start planning for the Spring. :) That's exciting. I'll be in Jamaica for the last 8 days of February, and will come back to the dawning of another year of gardening (slowly this time!) and big projects.
Anyway, happy not-so-blue Monday (even though it's late) - go buy yourself a cute fern for your desk - it'll brighten your day!!! :)
So the next big day coming up is Imbolc (more on that later of course!), or Groundhog Day. It marks the end of the dark quiet months, and the time when new life begins slowly to stir underground. With the weather the way it has been, I've even heard birds in the morning lately that don't normally sing like that in the winter - makes me wonder if perhaps they've migrated a little earlier this year or something... I can already feel life picking up the pace again, as we head (at lightning speed) into February. I have to get myself organized so I can take things 'in stride' this year, instead of letting it all pile up and then come crashing down on my head in regular intervals like last year. :) Work is picking up, with several potential contracts coming down the pipes for me (in addition to my full-time one here). I'm busy preparing myself to give a presentation to the Director General of the House of Commons on Tuesday afternoon. Should be fun, I'm looking forward to it. It's strange, but I feel quite at home talking about the system, and what it can do for them, but ask me to talk about the weather, or myself, or anything 'theoretical' and I get flustered as hell... Anyway, where some bigger things are looming (our trip to Jamaica, our wedding in September, residing the apartments in the Spring), which all require a great deal of planning and money, incidentally, I'm slowly catching on to the art of not sweating the smaller stuff. I've decided that our own house does NOT need a remodeling makeover, which has alleviated a lot of pressure for me. I can now be content to buy key items for each room to make it 'complete' the way it IS, instead of always fretting about the fact I want to buy an X but can't until we take down this wall, and put up that shelf, and paint it this colour, and rip up the floors, etc. To heck with all that, I say! We're young, there's two of us in a decent sized house, the best thing to do is treat it like we did our apartment, accepting it for what it is now, and making it special in smaller ways. Just deciding that makes me feel so much better. :)
I also tried Waverly's suggestion of dividing up the year into 'themes' so as to know when to focus my energy on different activities, instead of carrying the whole load of ideas in my head, all the time, and then never feeling comfortable to devote time to any one of them for fear of neglecting the next. However, my attempts at dividing the year became difficult when I started trying to figure out what exactly I wanted to do this year. Things soon became cluttered and crowded when I thought of work, social life, exercise, gardening, crafty stuff, the house, the apartments, my relationship, traveling, etc. And the crazy part is, realistically, I won't do half of what I thought up anyway! But I know that I tend to think of March as being the time when I start to come out of my hibernation and start planning for the Spring. :) That's exciting. I'll be in Jamaica for the last 8 days of February, and will come back to the dawning of another year of gardening (slowly this time!) and big projects.
Anyway, happy not-so-blue Monday (even though it's late) - go buy yourself a cute fern for your desk - it'll brighten your day!!! :)
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