So, at the beginning of January, I posted about a blog I'd found (called 'The Healthy Plate') on yahoo, where every month, the author (Mairlyn Smith) will give you one thing to ADD to your life, in order to achieve a healthier body and mind. Last month, her suggestion was to add one serving of fruits, and one of veggies to your diet each day. I have to say I didn't always succeed in doing so, but I did see an increase in my eating of salads and fruits (got my apple right here for later), and we were throwing out much less rotten produce every week from the fridge. :) Always nice on the wallet too. For February, this month's 'addition' to help you achieve overall better health is... (drumroll please)... 10 minutes of walking per day. If you already exercise, add 10 minutes of walking somewhere else in your day (ex: take the stairs, take a 10 minute walk around the block at lunch, get off the bus a stop or two early and walk the rest of the way, take a 10 minute break in the afternoon for a walk to wake you up). It only has to be 10 minutes (but if you really enjoy adding this in, you could also add two or three 10 minute sessions per day), and make sure it's a good, vigorous walk. None of this sauntering around the block at a snail's pace, dragging your heels. Walk with purpose. :) I'm going to try this out, as I do have slow times in my day, when my mind is fuzzy and no amount of trying can get me to concentrate on working. It's those times that I need to grab my coat and head outside for a 10 minute brisk stroll through the 'neighbourhood' before returning to my desk, hopefully refreshed and ready to work. I'm going to try adding a 10 minute walk in the morning, and one in the afternoon, to help me wake up better. :)
We'll see how long it lasts. ;)
We'll see how long it lasts. ;)
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