Well, it's been over a year since I felt the need to 'blast' my thoughts into cyberspace, but I figured since I'm now entering what promises to be a VERY interesting year, I thought I'd resurrect the practice, at least for the time being. (We'll see how long it lasts once I'm changing diapers and feeding my little 'buddy' all day and night).
Last Friday, June 11, I essentially 'abandoned' the 9-5 world (quite literally, I had to leave before my test scripts could finish running so I essentially left loose ends which I'm sure will haunt me forever, as I skipped out the door and onto my next 'phase' in life). I'll admit I'm faking the whole "stay at home mom" (SAHM) idea because we all know I'll be back at work in a year. However, I think so far I'm off to a fairly good start with this new 'job' of mine. Though that may have to do with the fact my new 'boss' hasn't yet arrived on the scene.
For the last two days, I've managed to be awake before 8:00 (yesterday I started at 7:30 am), and faced the day with the intent to "get things done". I've been able to tackle things I haven't had time to do in ages - mountains of paperwork, bills to be paid, trips to the bank, grocery shopping (properly), house cleaning that wasn't getting done, and of course the prep-work that goes along with expecting a baby to suddenly appear in one's house. I saw a lactation consultant today, and after cursing a blue streak trying to re-install the carseat in the Jeep, I also saw a car-seat installation specialist (who thankfully made the process a TON easier once he showed me I was doing it wrong). :) I didn't realize it, but Gatineau has a list of garages with certified car-seat-installer-extraordinaire people who will help you do the installation for FREE. Sweet deal.
Tomorrow I have another lactation "buddy" coming to see me in the morning, (she's a mother of two and a volunteer who will hopefully be my 'life line' when I'm convinced my baby is starving and I just can't go on) and another ultrasound and doctor's appointment in the afternoon. So that'll be another busy day. I find it ironic that I had to dig out my day planner and carefully schedule my week - something I never had to do when working. If every day could be like the last two, I think I might seriously entertain the idea of quitting my job and running 'the household' instead. At least every day is something different and hey, if I need to take a walk because it's sunny out, or a nap because I'm exhausted, I can schedule that in - fabulous!
I'm also hoping to kind of 'reconnect' with life (outside of work) this year. I have met some wonderful ladies already that I know will become a huge source of support to me (and help fend off feelings of isolation), I intend to get to know my town a bit better (started with a great walk along the beach at the marina with a friend on Sunday afternoon, something I NEVER do), and I also am hoping to tap into what's going on in the world, as I really have no clue. It's amazing how you can tunnel-vision your way through life where suddenly the only important elements of your day are: what to wear to work, what to do at work, what to eat for lunch and supper, what to watch on tv at night. Seriously, there's so much more out there!! I think having kids is going to be a wonderful experience that will re-open corners of the world I'd long forgotten, and I'm very excited about that. :)
Anyway, we're still waiting for our 'petite patate' to arrive, and I have a feeling it won't be until next week. In the meantime, I'm enjoying this time while it lasts!
Sweet dreams for now,
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