So I have tons to write about but my eyes have all but dried up into my head from staring at a computer screen all day and all night. So I think I'll save my 'woes' about turning 25 for another day. :) (You're all spared for now!)
We took a nice long walk tonight with Myranda and Pogo, which was a co-incidental thing that was nice. We were all set to go take the movies back to Blockbuster on foot (about a 15-20 minute walk to get there I guess) and Myranda came in the front door and asked for the movies. Turned out they were going for a walk too, so we all went together.
One sad thing, they discussed how they're going to look at a house on Saturday. It's a rent-to-own offer (which makes me suspicious - note to self, pull a Ginny-Chonga and investigate thoroughly)... ;) I told them they're not allowed to go too far, because I'd miss them, and I would. For some silly reason, as I hit 25, and I look back on my short life filled with good and bad memories and a pile of 'don't do that again' lessons, I have a strong urge to gather all my friends and family closer. I don't know why, but it seems like I'm crossing the 'threshold' into my late 20's with some regrets about losing touch with various people along the way, or maybe not apologizing for things when I should have, and I don't want to continue the trend.
I guess I have facebook.com to blame for it mostly, as I was happy in my own little universe until I realized how many people are out there, who I have shared some piece of history with, that I still consider a friend and who I never talk to. It's funny to think that one day they might not be there, and where will that leave me? I think strong bonds with friends and family are the 'riches' of life - you can't get better than a good conversation over five cups of coffee and two giant pieces of chocolate cake with a girlfriend, or feel as comfortable and relaxed as you are when you're making dinner with your Mom. I just think we sometimes need to stop and appreciate that we have people in our lives that, no matter what their 'role' is, good or bad, make it colourful and interesting, and I for one tend to neglect it out of shyness, laziness and lack of confidence in myself. People are also wonderfully complicated and often-times disappointing, but it's one of those can't live with em, can't live without em kinds of things I think. I think it's time I try to make a bigger effort, so people watch out, you're about to be hounded! (Or not?)
Speaking of hounded, a weird thing today, someone from a company I've never heard of e-mailed me personally and asked if I was still interested in a Quality Engineer opportunity. I had no clue who they were and really don't remember ever sending something to them, so I wrote them back and asked them for more info, not bothering to mention that I have no clue who they are. Nice to have people do the leg-work for you though I guess! Though I looked at their site and it's like a family-run consulting business or something: http://marlerassociates.com/ Not too sure about that one, and I'm happy where I am. I wonder if they're trying to 'poach' resources from other firms? Gutsy... Wonder how much they pay... ;)
Well, I think I need to get some early shut-eye.. Apparently there's a huge winter storm watch in effect for tomorrow (I have mixed feelings - I love a good storm any time of year, but I'm kind of on this "SPRING" kick now.. ;) ) Anyway, I should take the day off, but there's a guy coming in to look at how we do our jobs and make 'suggestions', wouldn't want mine to be 'should show up for work'... ;)
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