So another b-day has come and gone and I am finally 1/4 of a century old - 'over the hill' as Jessica Simpson would say. ;)
Yesterday was a nice day in a way because I was tired, (as usual!) and it decided to dump a crap-load of snow on us, so there was literally NO ONE at work, so I could afford to relax a wee bit.
Luc had a basket of flowers delivered to my office (sweet boy that he is) - it has mini hostas, african violets, ferns, those cute pink winter flowers that I can NEVER remember the name of, etc. in it. So I moved 'Octavius' the testing worm into his new gigantic home (the plants are growing in soil, not cut, so it will hopefully last a nice long time!). Very nice to add some greenery to my office anyway. :)
So at 2:00 my boss said 'well I am going to go bike shopping' so I said 'well, I'm going home' and that I did - to take a glorious nap (naps are always glorious on a week-day afternoon). Then we went out for dinner with friends. Myranda made a 'luscious' chocolate cake (that girl has the magic touch in the kitchen, I swear), and the restaurant gave me a $25 gift certificate, which was a lot nicer than a bunch of waiters banging on pots and pans and singing at the top of their lungs or whatever. The place we went to, George's, was really nice too - very 'posh' - it's new. I wouldn't have chosen the name 'George' as it doesn't represent 'posh' or up-beat, or modern to me, but oh well.
Anyway, I guess that's it (I just finished entering plant-related ramblings on my garden blog so I'm feeling all blogged out).
One last thing before I go - I decided to wash up this old 'Crown' fruit jar that I'd found in the shed. It has the original glass top with a really old rubber seal and the big metal screw-on top. When I got it clean, I realized it's really nice, and probably an antique. I wish I could figure out how old it is - the bottom says: 1932 with a D inside a diamond (I did learn that E inside a diamond represented Eatons, so this must have been sold in a store that started with a D maybe?) and the # 13. I read too that jars with #13 on them are supposed to be rare because superstitious people apparently would smash them or throw them out. The numbers can represent anything from the machine number, to the number of jars the particular worker made that day, etc. No site I've found has explained how to figure out the year, but 1932 would be wicked cool. ;) Anyway, so it's now my seed-packet holder. :)

Sorry for the rather 'lame' post, but I need some zzzz's.
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