Thursday, October 11, 2007

Hmmmm... I really don't have any purpose for blogging at the moment. I am just really fidgety. I have work to do, which I've been picking away at, but it is very very hard to stay focused on it (it's very very boring work)...


I find myself making lists again. Lists of jobs I want but never will get, projects to do (both fun and not) that I never seem to have time or energy for, and things I want but can't afford - xmas gifts for people, bales of straw for Tigger, wool to make scarves, mitts, maybe some cuter projects like bags and things, a holly tree because I promised myself I'd get one for our yard, curtains and/or blinds for the living room windows because we currently are living in a fishbowl, cute rainboots, a new, longer Fall jacket, stockings and socks to wear in my dressier shoes because bare feet are too cold, new glasses because I wouldn't mind having a pair to give my eyes a break from the constant half-blindness of contacts.. No shopping for me!! Nope, our budget is stretched tightly over the small mountain of debt we have.

Oh well... I find the worst thing is that, where I was finally starting to feel like I knew who I was months and months ago, for some reason, something huge shifted and I find myself staring at a girl I don't even know. And the more I realize who I am, for some reason, the more depressed I become...





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